Для ясности, я поместил различные атрибуты которые могут появляться водном элементе на разные строки. В общем, несколько атрибутов могут быть использованы одновременно в одном элементе.
Элементы записаны в верхнем регистре для удобства чтения, большинство элементов воспринимаются в обеих регистрах.
The FRAME element defines a single frame in a frameset.
The SRC attribute value is the URL of the document to be displayed
in this frame. A FRAME element without a SRC is displayed as
blank space. The NAME element assigns a name to the frame to be used
as a target of hyperlinks. (See the element)
The SCROLLING attribute is used to define whether the frame should
have a scrollbar, and defaults to the value "auto".
Presence of the NORESIZE attribute
prevents the frame from being resized by the user.
Minimum Attributes
All Possible Attributes
Elements Allowed Within...
The FRAME element is defined as having no content.
Allowed In Content Of...
The FRAME element is a Netscape 2.0 enhancement for defining
multiple windows for viewing a document. Netscape 2.0 reserves the
following values for the NAME attribute: _blank, _self, _parent,
_top. These values must begin with the underbar character and
have the following respective meanings: new unnamed window, load in the
same window, load in the parent window (if none use self), load in the
top window (if none use self). Netscape 2.0 defines the units for
The FRAMESET element is used instead of the BODY element.
It is used in an HTML document whose sole purpose is to define the
layout of the sub-HTML documents, or Frames, that will make up the page.
The ROWS and COLS values are comma-separated lists describing the
row-heights and column-widths of the Frames.
Minimum Attributes
<FRAMESET>characters... </FRAMESET>
All Possible Attributes
Elements Allowed Within...
Allowed In Content Of...
The FRAMESET element is a Netscape 2.0 enhancement. Netscape 2.0
restricts the ROWS and COLS values to integers with an optional suffix
to define the units. Default units are pixels. A percentsign suffix
indicates the value is a percentage between 1 and 100.
A suffix of an asterisk may be used
to specify a number to be used as a multiplier of a "standard" width/height.
This is used to specify the widths/heights of Frames proportionately relative
to each other.
If a number does not accompany the asterisk it defaults to one.
The H1 element identifies text
The H1 element identifies text to be separated and displayed
as the most prominent header.
Minimum Attributes
All Possible Attributes
Elements Allowed Within...
members of group
Allowed In Content Of...
Any element that permits members of group
RFC 1866 recommends that a document use the
header elements in order, without breaks, beginning with H1.
(ed: I have not identified a browser that enforces this.)
The LANG and DIR attributes are introduced with the
internationalization proposal.
The internationalization proposal also includes
Netscape 2.0 implements
The ID attribute was proposed in HTML+ and Version 3
to replace the NAME attribute
in the A element to establish internal hyperlink destinations.
With the expected use of ID for style sheets, this is likely to change.
All other attributes are proposed in Version 3.
RFC 1866 states typical rendering is bold, very large font, centered;
when printed causes a page break.
Headings are Level 0 elements.
The H2 element identifies text
The H2 element identifies text to be separated and displayed
less prominently than H1 but more prominently than H3.
Minimum Attributes
All Possible Attributes
Elements Allowed Within...
members of group
Allowed In Content Of...
Any element that permits members of group
RFC 1866 recommends that a document use the
header elements in order, without breaks, beginning with H1.
(ed: I have not identified a browser that enforces this.)
The LANG and DIR attributes are introduced with the
internationalization proposal.
The internationalization proposal also includes
Netscape 2.0 implements
The ID attribute was proposed in HTML+ and Version 3
to replace the NAME attribute
in the A element to establish internal hyperlink destinations.
With the expected use of ID for style sheets, this is likely to change.
All other attributes are proposed in Version 3.
RFC 1866 states typical rendering is bold, large font, flush left.
Headings are Level 0 elements.
The H3 element identifies text
The H3 element identifies text to be separated and displayed
less prominently than H2 but more prominently than H4.
Minimum Attributes
All Possible Attributes
Elements Allowed Within...
members of group
Allowed In Content Of...
Any element that permits members of group
RFC 1866 recommends that a document use the
header elements in order, without breaks, beginning with H1.
(ed: I have not identified a browser that enforces this.)
The LANG and DIR attributes are introduced with the
internationalization proposal.
The internationalization proposal also includes
Netscape 2.0 implements
The ID attribute was proposed in HTML+ and Version 3
to replace the NAME attribute
in the A element to establish internal hyperlink destinations.
With the expected use of ID for style sheets, this is likely to change.
All other attributes are proposed in Version 3.
RFC 1866 states typical rendering is italic, large font, slightly indented.
Headings are Level 0 elements.
The H4 element identifies text
The H4 element identifies text to be separated and displayed
less prominently than H3 but more prominently than H5.
Minimum Attributes
All Possible Attributes
Elements Allowed Within...
members of group
Allowed In Content Of...
Any element that permits members of group
RFC 1866 recommends that a document use the
header elements in order, without breaks, beginning with H1.
(ed: I have not identified a browser that enforces this.)
The LANG and DIR attributes are introduced with the
internationalization proposal.
The internationalization proposal also includes
Netscape 2.0 implements
The ID attribute was proposed in HTML+ and Version 3
to replace the NAME attribute
in the A element to establish internal hyperlink destinations.
With the expected use of ID for style sheets, this is likely to change.
All other attributes are proposed in Version 3.
RFC 1866 states typical rendering is bold, normal font, indented more than H3.
Headings are Level 0 elements.
The H5 element identifies text
The H5 element identifies text to be separated and displayed
less prominently than H4 but more prominently than H6.
Minimum Attributes
All Possible Attributes
Elements Allowed Within...
members of group
Allowed In Content Of...
Any element that permits members of group
RFC 1866 recommends that a document use the
header elements in order, without breaks, beginning with H1.
(ed: I have not identified a browser that enforces this.)
The LANG and DIR attributes are introduced with the
internationalization proposal.
The internationalization proposal also includes
Netscape 2.0 implements
The ID attribute was proposed in HTML+ and Version 3
to replace the NAME attribute
in the A element to establish internal hyperlink destinations.
With the expected use of ID for style sheets, this is likely to change.
All other attributes are proposed in Version 3.
By default, Netscape uses a font size for H5 that
is smaller than default text.
For most other browsers, the font size for all headers
is at least as large as the default text.
RFC 1866 states typical rendering is italic, normal font, indented as H4.
Headings are Level 0 elements.
The H6 element identifies text
The H6 element identifies text to be separated and displayed
less prominently than H5 but more prominently than default text.
Minimum Attributes
All Possible Attributes
Elements Allowed Within...
members of group
Allowed In Content Of...
Any element that permits members of group
RFC 1866 recommends that a document use the
header elements in order, without breaks, beginning with H1.
(ed: I have not identified a browser that enforces this.)
The LANG and DIR attributes are introduced with the
internationalization proposal.
The internationalization proposal also includes
Netscape 2.0 implements
The ID attribute was proposed in HTML+ and Version 3
to replace the NAME attribute
in the A element to establish internal hyperlink destinations.
With the expected use of ID for style sheets, this is likely to change.
All other attributes are proposed in Version 3.
By default, Netscape uses a font size for H6 that
is smaller than default text.
For most other browsers, the font size for all headers
is at least as large as the default text.
RFC 1866 states typical rendering is bold, normal font, not indented.
Headings are Level 0 elements.
The HEAD contains general information about the document.
None of the elements authorized to exist
in the contents of the HEAD are displayed;
the displayed material is found within the
Minimum Attributes
All Possible Attributes
Elements Allowed Within...
Allowed In Content Of...
The HTML, HEAD, and BODY elements were introduced with
RFC 1866, and are currently optional, but are considered
Level 0 elements.
RFC 1866 recommends against permitting the NEXTID element in HEAD.
The LANG and DIR attributes are introduced with the
internationalization proposal.
Version 3 proposes the new elements of RANGE and STYLE
as allowed within a HEAD.
Sandia Requirements
The HTML, HEAD and BODY elements are required.
The HP set of elements, with n=1,2,... provided
a mechanism to highlight the characters in a phrase with
one of a set of browser defined highlight mechanisms.
Minimum Attributes
<HPn>characters... </HPn>
All Possible Attributes
<HPn>characters... </HPn>
HPn was an early idea about highlighting but is seldom used
or implemented.
RFC 1866 does not include these elements, and these elements
should be considered obsolete.
The HR element produces a divider between sections of text.
Minimum Attributes
All Possible Attributes
Elements Allowed Within...
The HR element is defined as having no content.
Allowed In Content Of...
Any element that permits members of group
RFC 1866 states that the HR element is typically rendered as
a full width horizontal rule or equivalent graphic.
The DIR attribute is introduced with the internationalization proposal
since DIR can have meaning
in those cases where the horizontal rule is not full width.
The internationalization proposal also includes
The CLEAR, SRC, and MD attributes are proposed in Version 3.
SRC is proposed to specify a custom image for the rule.
Some browsers draw the line only within the current text margins
(which may be indented on left and/or right due to lists, etc.)
SIZE, WIDTH, ALIGN, and attributes are Netscape extensions,
but Netscape 2.0 only implements
The HR element is Level 0.
The HTML element is intended to bracket the entire HTML text in
the document. All other HTML elements are inside the start and end
of the HTML element.
Minimum Attributes
All Possible Attributes
Elements Allowed Within...
Allowed In Content Of...
The element HTML is the outermost element and should not be
nested inside any element.
RFC 1866 introduced the VERSION attribute.
The LANG and DIR attributes are introduced with the
internationalization proposal.
The HTML, HEAD, and BODY elements were introduced with
RFC 1866, and are currently optional, but are considered
Level 0 elements.
RFC 1866 identifies the presence of the PLAINTEXT element within
the HTML content as deprecated.
Sandia Requirements
The HTML, HEAD and BODY elements are required.
The I element changes the physical rendering of the
contents of the element to an italics (or slanted) font.
Minimum Attributes
All Possible Attributes
Elements Allowed Within...
members of group
Allowed In Content Of...
Any element that permits members of group
Browsers who do not have italics may render in some other manner.
RFC 1866 states that <B> content must be rendered as distinct
from <I> content.
The LANG and DIR attributes are introduced with the
internationalization proposal.
All character definition elements are Level 2.
The IMG element allows an image file to be inserted within
an HTML document along with the text.
The ALT attribute defines parsed character data
that will be displayed if the image
is not or cannot be displayed by the browser.
The SRC attribute identifies a for retrieving the image.
The ISMAP attribute is only meaningful if the IMG element is
within the contents of an A element, and a responding cgi-bin program
has been established at the URL identified by the HREF attribute
of the A element.
If a single A element spans both an image and text,
the cgi-bin program will receive the HREF input values, if any,
if the text is selected, or the x,y cursor pixel coordinates
relative to 0,0 as the the upper-left corner of the image
if the image is selected.
Minimum Attributes
<IMG SRC="...">
All Possible Attributes
<IMG SRC="..."
Elements Allowed Within...
The IMG element is defined as having no content.
Allowed In Content Of...
Any element that permits members of group
are Netscape 1.1 extensions.
MS Internet Explorer 2.0 extensions.
The LANG and DIR attributes are introduced with the
internationalization proposal and relate to the value of
the ALT attribute.
Version 3 proposes adding the WIDTH and HEIGHT attributes.
RFC 1866 defines only bottom|middle|top
as values for the ALIGN attribute.
The additional values for the ALIGN attribute are Netscape extensions,
and include the capability to define floating images.
Version 3 proposes adding only the (left|right) values for ALIGN
to identify images that imply that text can float around the image.
Some image capable browsers will display the ALT
text until the full image is retrieved.
RFC 1866 states that
Level 0 conformance must accept the element, but Level 1
conformance is required before it displays the image.
Version 3 proposes the UNITS attribute for use by the WIDTH and HEIGHT
attributes to define units other than pixels.
RFC 1866 states that an IMG element with an ISMAP element must
only exist in the content of an A element with an HREF attribute.
Version 3 proposes a element
as an advanced alternative to the IMG element,
for more sophisticated multi-part overlay images,
more control over text that is the equivalent of ALT,
and with a proposed SHAPE attribute on the A element
a method to perform the common use of the ISMAP attribute
without the need for a responding cgi-bin program.
The USEMAP is part of an alternate proposal for client-side
image mapes.
It is implemented as a Netscape 2.0 extension.
USEMAP specifies a URL with a "#NAME" suffix
to identify a file and MAP name, and is used with the MAP element.
DYNSRC is defined by MS Internet Explorer 2.0 as the
address of a video clip or VRML world to be displayed if your
browser is capable, otherwise display SRC.
START is defined by MS Internet Explorer 2.0 as when the
videoclip or VRML world is to be displayed. If START=mouseover,
the SRC image is displayed until the mouse cursor is over that image.
CONTROLS is defined by MS Internet Explorer 2.0 as displaying a set
of controls under the animation.
LOOP is defined by MS Internet Explorer 2.0 as how many times a
video clip will loop when activated.
it will loop indefinately.
LOOPDELAY is defined by MS Internet Explorer 2.0 as how long,
in milliseconds, a video clip will wait between replays.
Sandia Requirements
The ALT attribute and a value describing the image is required.
If known, the BORDER, HEIGHT, and WIDTH attributes are recommended
as they improve download performance on some browsers.
If used, the HEIGHT and WIDTH attributes shall specify the actual
size of the stored image in pixels.
The INPUT element is used to specify a simple input field
as part of the contents in a FORM element.
TYPE=text is default.
NAME defines the symbolic name of the field
returned to the server on submission and must be present
for all but TYPE=submit|reset.
For TYPE=checkbox|radio, multiple INPUT elements may have the same NAME value.
TYPE=radio insures that exactly one choice amongst
INPUT elements with the same NAME value is selected at all times.
VALUE is used to specify a default.
For TYPE=text|password VALUE defines default text to be returned,
which normally is null.
For TYPE=password the value should be obscured as it is entered.
For TYPE=checkbox|radio VALUE defines the value returned when the
checkbox or radio is selected, which defaults to "on"
For TYPE=submit|reset VALUE defines the label for the pushbutton.
Multiple TYPE=submit should have different NAME values to
identify which submission button was selected.
CHECKED defaults the specific checkbox or radio INPUT to selected.
For TYPE=radio the default element checked is the first among
those with the same NAME value.
TYPE=image defines
an image, whose is identified by the SRC attribute,
which, when clicked, performs the form submission and sends
the X,Y coordinates of the click, similar to ISMAP in the IMG element.
SIZE and MAXLENGTH are only
used with TYPE=text|password.
SIZE is the physical size of the
displayed input field expressed in characters
or characters,rows.
MAXLENGTH is the maximum number of characters that are
accepted as input.
Minimum Attributes
All Possible Attributes
TYPE="text | password | checkbox | radio | submit | reset | hidden | image | file | range | scribble | jot"
Elements Allowed Within...
The INPUT element is defined as having no content.
Allowed In Content Of...
RFC 1866 defines the TYPE attribute values of
The element
should be used instead of this INPUT element for multiline input areas.
TYPE=hidden VALUE="..." is recognized by some browsers, and is
used to submit fixed information not entered by the user.
Note that RFC 1866 sets a max limit of 1024 characters on VALUE.
RFC 1866 only defines ALIGN=top|middle|bottom
RFC 1867 defines a mechanism for FORM-based file upload.
It defines the value file for the TYPE attribute
and defines a new ACCEPT attribute.
Specifying TYPE=file
permits attaching one or more local files to the submitted output.
The browser may permit the user to specify multiple file names in
response to a single INPUT element with TYPE=file
ACCEPT is a list of media types or type patterns allowed for input.
The valid ACCEPT values and meaning of those values is platform dependent.
The value for the VALUE attribute specifies a default file name.
The browser must ask for confirmation before sending any file based
on the default file name.
A value for the SIZE attribute of "width,height"
would specify a default filename width for the input display and height
sufficient to show some number of files.
A value for the MAXLENGTH attribute specifies a maximum Content-Length
(in bytes) which the responding server is likely to accept
for transferred files.
Including an INPUT element with TYPE=file requires also specifying
ENCTYPE="multipart/form-data" METHOD=post
on the enclosing FORM element.
If the FORM does not specify this ENCTYPE, the behavior is unspecified
and the file transfer is likely to be rejected by the responding server.
Netscape 2.0 implements FORM-based file upload.
The LANG and DIR attributes are introduced with the
internationalization proposal.
Version 3 proposes the additional TYPE attribute values of
A beta version of Netscape includes a TYPE attribute value of jot
which is similar to scribble.
Version 3 proposes the additional DISABLED, ERROR,
MIN, MAX, and MD attributes.
The Version 3 proposed TYPE=range
uses the proposed MIN and MAX attributes to specify limits to
numeric (real or integer) input.
The proposed default value is halfway between MIN and MAX.
The Version 3 proposed TYPE=scribble
is to allow the user to scribble with a pointing device on top of
the image specified with the SRC attribute.
The Version 3 proposed DISABLED attribute would display this INPUT,
but prohibit user entry/modification.
The Version 3 proposed ERROR attribute defines text to be displayed
in the event that the entered value for this INPUT is invalid.
All elements concerning FORM are Level 2.
The INS element
changes the character rendering of the
contents of the element to logically represent
inserted text, for instance in modifications in legal documents.
Minimum Attributes
<INS>characters... </INS>
All Possible Attributes
Elements Allowed Within...
-In progress, to be determined-
Allowed In Content Of...
-In progress, to be determined-
The INS element is a Version 3 proposed element.
All character definition elements are Level 2.
This element appears to be a precursor to the
<FORM> element which has more features.
When placed in the BODY of the document,
it requires the ACTION attribute to point to a cgi-bin
program which can handle the query, and
produces a simple INPUT field with a prompt
of: "This is a searchable index. Enter search keywords:"
When placed in the HEAD of the document, it
informs the browser that the document is an index
document and can be examined using a keyword search.
The ISINDEX element is usually generated
automatically by a server-side script.
Minimum Attributes
All Possible Attributes
Elements Allowed Within...
The ISINDEX element is defined as having no content.
Allowed In Content Of...
the element
and any element that permits members of the group
ISINDEX is a Level 0 element.
The new, more sophisticated
element is now used more widely.
The LANG and DIR attributes are introduced with the
internationalization proposal.
Version 3 proposes the PROMPT attribute.
The PROMPT attribute is a Netscape extension.
Description Char Code Entity name
Description Code Entity name
=================================== ============ ==============
quotation mark " --> " " --> "
ampersand & --> & & --> &
less-than sign < --> < < --> <
greater-than sign > --> > > --> >
Description Char Code Entity name
=================================== ==== ============ ==============
non-breaking space   --> -->
inverted exclamation Ў ¡ --> ? ¡ --> ¡
cent sign ў ¢ --> ? ¢ --> ¢
pound sterling Ј £ --> ? £ --> £
general currency sign ¤ ¤ --> ¤ ¤ --> ¤
yen sign Ґ ¥ --> ? ¥ --> ¥
broken vertical bar ¦ ¦ --> ¦ ¦ --> ¦
&brkbar; --> &brkbar;
section sign § § --> § § --> §
umlaut (dieresis) Ё ¨ --> ? ¨ --> ¨
¨ --> ¨
copyright (c) © --> © © --> ©
feminine ordinal Є ª --> ? ª --> ª
left angle quote, guillemotleft " « --> « « --> «
not sign ¬ ¬ --> ¬ ¬ --> ¬
soft hyphen ­ --> ­ -->
registered trademark (r) ® --> ® ® --> ®
macron accent Ї ¯ --> ? ¯ --> ¯
&hibar; --> &hibar;
degree sign ° ° --> ° ° --> °
plus or minus ± ± --> ± ± --> ±
superscript two І ² --> ? ² --> ²
superscript three і ³ --> ? ³ --> ³
acute accent ґ ´ --> ? ´ --> ´
micro sign µ µ --> µ µ --> µ
paragraph sign ¶ ¶ --> ¶ ¶ --> ¶
middle dot · · --> · · --> ·
cedilla ё ¸ --> ? ¸ --> ¸
superscript one № ¹ --> ? ¹ --> ¹
masculine ordinal є º --> ? º --> º
right angle quote, guillemotright " » --> » » --> »
fraction one-fourth 1/4 ¼ --> ? ¼ --> ¼
fraction one-half 1/2 ½ --> ? ½ --> ½
fraction three-fourths 3/4 ¾ --> ? ¾ --> ¾
inverted question mark ї ¿ --> ? ¿ --> ¿
capital A, grave accent А À --> A À --> À
capital A, acute accent Б Á --> A Á --> Á
capital A, circumflex accent В Â --> A Â --> Â
capital A, tilde Г Ã --> A Ã --> Ã
capital A, dieresis or umlaut mark Д Ä --> A Ä --> Ä
capital A, ring Е Å --> A Å --> Å
capital AE diphthong (ligature) Ж Æ --> ? Æ --> Æ
capital C, cedilla З Ç --> C Ç --> Ç
capital E, grave accent И È --> E È --> È
capital E, acute accent Й É --> E É --> É
capital E, circumflex accent К Ê --> E Ê --> Ê
capital E, dieresis or umlaut mark Л Ë --> E Ë --> Ë
capital I, grave accent М Ì --> I Ì --> Ì
capital I, acute accent Н Í --> I Í --> Í
capital I, circumflex accent О Î --> I Î --> Î
capital I, dieresis or umlaut mark П Ï --> I Ï --> Ï
capital Eth, Icelandic Р Ð --> ? Ð --> Ð
Đ --> Đ
capital N, tilde С Ñ --> N Ñ --> Ñ
capital O, grave accent Т Ò --> O Ò --> Ò
capital O, acute accent У Ó --> O Ó --> Ó
capital O, circumflex accent Ф Ô --> O Ô --> Ô
capital O, tilde Х Õ --> O Õ --> Õ
capital O, dieresis or umlaut mark Ц Ö --> O Ö --> Ö
multiply sign Ч × --> ? × --> ×
capital O, slash Ш Ø --> O Ø --> Ø
capital U, grave accent Щ Ù --> U Ù --> Ù
capital U, acute accent Ъ Ú --> U Ú --> Ú
capital U, circumflex accent Ы Û --> U Û --> Û
capital U, dieresis or umlaut mark Ь Ü --> U Ü --> Ü
capital Y, acute accent Э Ý --> Y Ý --> Ý
capital THORN, Icelandic Ю Þ --> ? Þ --> Þ
small sharp s, German (sz ligature) Я ß --> ? ß --> ß
small a, grave accent а à --> a à --> à
small a, acute accent б á --> a á --> á
small a, circumflex accent в â --> a â --> â
small a, tilde г ã --> a ã --> ã
small a, dieresis or umlaut mark д ä --> a ä --> ä
small a, ring е å --> a å --> å
small ae diphthong (ligature) ж æ --> ? æ --> æ
small c, cedilla з ç --> c ç --> ç
small e, grave accent и è --> e è --> è
small e, acute accent й é --> e é --> é
small e, circumflex accent к ê --> e ê --> ê
small e, dieresis or umlaut mark л ë --> e ë --> ë
small i, grave accent м ì --> i ì --> ì
small i, acute accent н í --> i í --> í
small i, circumflex accent о î --> i î --> î
small i, dieresis or umlaut mark п ï --> i ï --> ï
small eth, Icelandic р ð --> ? ð --> ð
small n, tilde с ñ --> n ñ --> ñ
small o, grave accent т ò --> o ò --> ò
small o, acute accent у ó --> o ó --> ó
small o, circumflex accent ф ô --> o ô --> ô
small o, tilde х õ --> o õ --> õ
small o, dieresis or umlaut mark ц ö --> o ö --> ö
division sign ч ÷ --> ? ÷ --> ÷
small o, slash ш ø --> o ø --> ø
small u, grave accent щ ù --> u ù --> ù
small u, acute accent ъ ú --> u ú --> ú
small u, circumflex accent ы û --> u û --> û
small u, dieresis or umlaut mark ь ü --> u ü --> ü
small y, acute accent э ý --> y ý --> ý
small thorn, Icelandic ю þ --> ? þ --> þ
small y, dieresis or umlaut mark я ÿ --> y ÿ --> ÿ
Использование встроенных в NC картинок.
Однажды вечером, из любопытства просматривая файл NETSCAPE.EXE, я наткнулся на странный текст:
<IMG SRC=internal-attachment-icon BORDER=0>
Словечко internal наталкивало на определенные мысли и я решил их проверить. Набрав эту строку в виндовом блокноте я посмотрел на результат в NC. И вот что я увидел:

Wow! Я решил отыскать другие встроенные картинки, получился довольно приличный список, но уникальных оказалось не очень много, всего 22 штуки. Не ручаюсь, что я нашел все:

А вот список имен:
<IMG SRC=internal-attachment-icon>
<IMG SRC=internal-icon-insecure>
<IMG SRC=internal-icon-show-all-mail-recipients>
<IMG SRC=internal-gopher-binary>
<IMG SRC=internal-gopher-unknown>
<IMG SRC=internal-gopher-movie>
<IMG SRC=internal-gopher-sound>
<IMG SRC=internal-gopher-image>
<IMG SRC=internal-gopher-text>
<IMG SRC=internal-gopher-menu>
<IMG SRC=internal-gopher-index>
<IMG SRC=internal-gopher-telnet>
<IMG SRC=internal-smime-encrypted-bad>
<IMG SRC=internal-smime-signed-bad>
<IMG SRC=internal-smime-encrypted-signed-bad>
<IMG SRC=internal-edit-unsupported-end-tag>
<IMG SRC=internal-edit-unsupported-tag>
<IMG SRC=internal-edit-form-element>
<IMG SRC=internal-edit-named-anchor>
<IMG SRC=about:security?banner-secure>
<IMG SRC=internal-attachment-dl-all-icon>
<IMG SRC=internal-sa-encrypted-bad>
<IMG SRC=internal-sa-signed-bad>
<IMG SRC=internal-news-followup-and-reply>
<IMG SRC=internal-icon-delayed>
Использование встроенных рисунков позволяет ненамного, но все же уменьшить размер страницы. Жаль только, что способ непригоден для Internet Explorer'a. В идеале хорошо бы при просмотре страницы Netscape'ом загружался встроенный рисунок, а при использовании IE, нууу... хотя бы картинка из внешнего файла.
И тут я вспомнил о введенном еще в IE 2.0 атрибуте DYNSRC тега IMG.
Этот атрибут предназначен для вывода видеороликов, причем он имеет больший приоритет по сравнению с SRC. Идея оказалась удачной.
С помощью пресловутой кнопки PrintScreen и Adobe Photoshop я изготовил GIF-файл, содержащий первый в моeм списке рисунок: internal-attached-icon, потом при помощи досовской утилиты VFD я сконвертировал его в AVI файл, содержащий один-единственный кадр и сохранил его под именем 1.avi. Создав следующий HTML-файл:
<IMG SRC=internal-attachment-icon DYNSRC=1.avi WIDTH=27 HEIGHT=27>
я посмотрел результат попеременно в NC и IE. Как и следовало ожидать в обоих браузерах я увидел одинаковую картинку:

Как любил говаривать герой игрушки Duke Nukem 3D "piece of cake"! Напоследок я решил просмотреть страничку в браузере Opera 3.51 и тут меня постигло жестокое разочарование: картинка появилась... и изчезла, я смотрел на абсолютно белую страничку. Проблема решилась добавлением параметра LOOP= -1 в тег IMG. Если вы не рассчитываете, что вашу страницу будут смотреть пользователи браузера Opera, этот параметр лучше убрать, иначе при наведении курсора на картинку он будет мерцать.
Web-программист казанского центра Интернет
Изменения и дополнения
Разработка рекоммендаций языка HTML проводится рабочей группой
IETF - HTML-WG. E-Mail: .
Новое местонахождение документов:
2. В литературе по языку SGML термин "TAG" часто
переводится как "индикатор".
В данном переводе используется слово "метка".
Слово "метка" используется
также и для именования открытия и закрытия элементов.
3. В данном переводе для термина "anchor" выбрано слово "анкер".
Анкеры применяются в HTML в двух случаях:
Когда нужно сослаться на какой-либо документ или место в
текущем документе, т.е. являются "отправной" точкой в связи.
Когда нужно указать, что на данное место (элемент) в документе
можно сослаться. Другими словами - место назначения
(для гипертекстовой связи).
4. В данном переводе под словом "объект" подразумевается
"entity" в языке SGML,
а выражение "обращение к объекту", соответствует - "Entity reference".
В языке HTML все объекты и их имена заранее определены и не существует
средств для определения пользователем своих собственных объектов.
5. В современной спецификации HTML, в элемент HEAD введен еще один
элемент - META, который
служит для указания какой-либо дополнительной информации
(meta information) для документа в целом. Это могут быть: дата последней
модификации документа, версия, автор и другая подобная информация.
Спецификация HTML указывает на то, что содержимое элемента META
может обрабатываться WWW сервером, например, быть выведено по запросу
HEAD (протокол HTTP). Точное определение элемента META смотрите в текущей
версии спецификации языка HTML.
6. Под "узлом" в данном контексте подразумевается "документ".
Автор спецификации
имел в виду, что каждому гипертекстовому узлу в системе WWW соответствует
отдельный документ.
7. Хотя в спецификации и не требуется строгого соблюдения очередности
уровней заголовков, но многие производители программного обеспечения для
обработки HTML-документов используют уровни заголовков для разделения
документа на отдельные части. Кроме этого, многие авторы статей о HTML
рекомендуют соблюдать порядок в уровнях заголовков.
Язык гипертекстовой разметки (HTML)
А.А. Сущев, И.С. Лебедев,
Александр Кириллин,
Вячеслав Белов,
Перевод , Центр Информационных Технологий, НГТУ
и ,
Сергей Щербаков,
Александр Печерский
Александр Печерский
Jukka Korpela. Перевод .
Андрей Аликберов, ЦИТ
Андрей Аликберов, ЦИТ
Андрей Аликберов, ЦИТ
Павел Храмцов, из учебных материалов конференции ,
Р. Усманов, перевод,
, перевод С.Малышева
Е. Булах,
Павел Храмцов, статья из ComputerWorld
Тим Бернерс Ли, перевод,
А. Аликберов,
А.А. Сущев, И.С. Лебедев,
Александр Кириллин,
Вячеслав Белов,
Перевод , Центр Информационных Технологий, НГТУ
и ,
Сергей Щербаков,
Александр Печерский
Александр Печерский
Jukka Korpela. Перевод .
Андрей Аликберов, ЦИТ
Андрей Аликберов, ЦИТ
Андрей Аликберов, ЦИТ
Павел Храмцов, из учебных материалов конференции ,
Р. Усманов, перевод,
, перевод С.Малышева
Е. Булах,
Павел Храмцов, статья из ComputerWorld
Тим Бернерс Ли, перевод,
А. Аликберов,
Какие броузеры поддерживают механизм cookies?
Не все, конечно, однако самые популярные поддерживают. Я точно
знаю, что Netscape (начиная с самой первой версии), Microsoft
IE (трешка и четверка - точно, про предыдущие не знаю), Mosaic
Какие элементы включены
Другой отличительный аспект этого руководства - это какие элементы он включает.Краткое Руководство по HTML включает все элементы, используемые в Сети на настоящий момент. В частности, руководство включает:
элементы HTML 3.2
дополнения Netscape
Развитие HTML - сложный процесс, в котором попытки введения формального стандарта часто сталкивались с тем, что было создано на рынке. (W3C) является официальной инстанцией по отношению к стандартам WWW. В мае 1996 W3C выпустил черновик HTML 3.2, который был разработан, чтобы отразить и стандартизировать все общепринятые техники.
В своем , W3C рекомендует информационным службам использовать HTML 3.2. Поэтому, версия 3.0 Краткого Руководства по HTML включает все элементы HTML 3.2, будь они введены в стандартах HTML 2.0 или HTML 3.0, или как дополнения Netscape. Последние версии главных просмотрщиков должны поддерживать все, или почти все, эти элементы.
Я также включил все элементы, добавленные в Netscape Navigator вплоть до версии 3.0b5, исключая некоторые команды коммуникации с сервером, такие как анимация, контролируемая сервером (server push animation). Некоторые из этих дополнений не будут изображаться нормально, если люди, смотрящие Вашу страницу, используют другую программу, так что Вам стоит подумать о Вашей аудитории и решить, надо ли использовать эти элементы.
The KBD element changes the character rendering of the
contents of the element to logically represent
text entered as keyboard input.
Minimum Attributes
All Possible Attributes
Elements Allowed Within...
members of group
Allowed In Content Of...
Any element that permits members of the group
While intended to be distinguishable from CODE, so that
input and output would be different, most browsers render
this the same as CODE, simply as a fixed-width font.
The LANG and DIR attributes are introduced with the
internationalization proposal.
All character definition elements are Level 2.
Версия 3.0 Форматированная -- 21 июля 1996
Последняя версия этого документа находится по адресу .
Это руководство описывает все элементы HTML, которые воспринимаются большинством просмотрщиков. Я включил все элементы из , также как расширения Netscape вплоть до версии Netscape Navigator 3.0b5. Настоящее руководство сделано как можно более кратким, дополнительную информацию о HTML можно найти на Странице помощи по WWW.
Всегда рад комментариям и предложениям.
От переводчика: если есть какие-то замечания по переводу, пишите мне: . Я не профессиональный переводчик, так что качество перевода может понравится не всем. Do it better if you can - сделайте лучше, если можете.:)
(включая описание символов и аббревиатур)
СПИСОК ЭЛЕМЕНТОВ HTML (все документы на HTML должны содержать их) (вид задается параметрами программы-просмотрщика) (автор определяет внешний вид текста)
Внимание: Если вам не ясна разница между HTML 2.0, HTML 3.0, HTML 3.2, и дополнениями Netscape, я советую прочитать о развитии языка HTML.
Тип документа
(начало и конец файла)
Имя документа
(должно быть в заголовке)
(описание документа, например его имя)
(содержимое страницы)
(стандарт определяет 6 уровней)
с выравниванием
с выравниванием
(обычно выделяется отступом)
(обычно изображается курсивом)
Дополнительное выделение
(обычно изображается жирным шрифтом)
Отсылка, цитата
The LANG element is used to change the default LANG context
for subsequent elements from the current default.
A LANG attribute on an element overrides this default LANG context
for the content of that particular element.
Minimum Attributes
<LANG>characters... </LANG>
All Possible Attributes
Elements Allowed Within...
-In progress, to be determined-
Allowed In Content Of...
-In progress, to be determined-
The LANG element is a Version 3 proposed element.
All character definition elements are Level 2.
The LH element defines a list header used as a title for a list.
Browsers can use this in place of the full list when a mechanism
is provided to fold and unfold nested lists.
Minimum Attributes
All Possible Attributes
Elements Allowed Within...
-In progress, to be determined-
Allowed In Content Of...
The LH element is proposed in Version 3 as an optional element
at the beginning of some lists. It is expected that browsers may
render this element in a different style/font than the list itself.
The LI element defines a list item.
It is rendered differently depending upon the list within which
it appears.
Minimum Attributes
All Possible Attributes
within UL TYPE=disk|circle|square
within OL TYPE=A|a|I|i|i
within OL VALUE=n>characters...</LI>
Elements Allowed Within...
members of groups
Allowed In Content Of...
The LANG and DIR attributes are introduced with the
internationalization proposal.
The internationalization proposal also includes
The TYPE and VALUE attributes are Netscape extensions.
The validity of their presence and possible values depends on
the particular list entity of which this is a list item.
Most browsers assume the list item ends with the beginning
of the next list item or the end of the list and
do not require the closing tag </LI>
All list elements are Level 0.
The LINK element is used to indicate a relationship between
this document and other documents or objects.
Multiple LINK elements may exist in a document.
A LINK in document A with an HREF to document/object B with
identifies a relationship that B has to A that A recognizes/authorizes/verifies.
A LINK in document B with an HREF to document/object A with
REV=relation that is the identical relation
identifies a desired/expected/claimed relationship of B to document/object A,
but must be verified by checking with A.
For further description of the LINK attributes, see the
Minimum Attributes
<LINK HREF="..."
All Possible Attributes
<LINK HREF="..."
Elements Allowed Within...
The LINK element is defined as having no content.
Allowed In Content Of...
The LANG, DIR and CHARSET attributes are introduced with the
internationalization proposal.
The CHARSET attribute is a hint as to the expected
character set used by the hyperlink.
Some browsers will expect a LINK REV relationship of "made"
to be a "mailto:name@e-mail_address" to facilitate
sending comments to the person that made the document.
Contrary to the specification of the standard, this seems to only
work if "made" is the only relationship in that LINK element.
In addition to those mentioned with the element,
Version 3 reserves some relations for REL that are expected to
be used for document specific toolbars. Currently these include
Home, ToC, Index, Glossary, Copyright, Up, Next,
Previous, Help, Bookmark.
Version 3 also discusses relations for a document banner
and style sheets.
LINK is a Level 0 element.
Sandia Requirements
A LINK element in the HEAD to identify the owner of
the document responsible for its accuracy is
required by Sandia's automated Web tools:
<LINK REV="owns" TITLE="Full Name" HREF="mailto:owner-e-mail@sandia.gov">
LINK elements are also recommended to identify
other individuals and their relationships to this document.
The REV value of made should be used to identify the
author of the document.
Suggested values for REV in additional LINK elements are:
approves, editor, publisher.
Large documents which are separated into smaller HTML subdocuments
should use the LINK element with the REL attribute to identify these
The parent document should identify all subdocuments by:
<LINK REL="Subdocument" TITLE="Subdoc Name" HREF="link-url">
The subdocument may identify its parent by:
<LINK REV="Subdocument" TITLE="Maindoc Name" HREF="link-url">
Any Sandia document which is part of
a set of HTML subdocuments which form a sequence or hierarchy should
include two specific LINK elements identifying the REL values of
next and previous.
Only one next and one previous relationship
may be specified in a document.
Any of the other document relationships mentioned in this Reference Manual
may also be used.
The LISTING element defined a separated multi-line set of text
to be rendered as it exists in the source document with
the same line breaks.
Minimum Attributes
All Possible Attributes
Elements Allowed Within...
The only markup recognized is the LISTING ending element.
Allowed In Content Of...
Any element that permits members of group
Most browsers use fixed-width characters for LISTING text.
This element existed in Version 0 and has been replaced by the
<PRE> element.
RFC 1866 states that the content of the LISTING element should be
rendered so that at least 132 characters fit on a line.
RFC 1866 has declared LISTING as deprecated
and some current browsers no longer recognize it.
The MAP element is used to name and describe a client-side
image map. This is a set of areas defined on an image which
can be selected for hyperlinks. NAME defines the map name to
be used with the USEMAP attribute on an IMG element.
Minimum Attributes
<MAP NAME="..."></MAP>
All Possible Attributes
<MAP NAME="..."></MAP>
Elements Allowed Within...
Allowed In Content Of...
-In progress, to be determined-
The MAP element is part of a proposed enhancement to
provide client-side image maps. It is implemented in Netscape 2.0.
The MARQUEE element defines an area in which visual scrolling will
be used to display the content of the element.
Minimum Attributes
<MARQUEE>characters... </MARQUEE>
All Possible Attributes
Elements Allowed Within...
-In progress, to be determined-
Allowed In Content Of...
-In progress, to be determined-
The MARQUEE element is a MS Internet Explorer 2.0 enhancement.
Based on the description it might be assumed that only parsed
character data may be in the content of the MARQUEE element.
The ALIGN attribute defines the location of the text within the marquee.
The BEHAVIOR attribute determines whether the text will
scroll completely in and completely off (the default),
slide in and stay,
or bounce between alternate sides of the marquee.
The BGCOLOR attribute defines the background color for the marquee,
which is specified as an "#rrggbb" number, or
the following color names:
Black, Maroon, Green, Olive, Navy, Purple, Teal, Gray, Silver, Red, Lime,
Yellow, Blue, Fuchsia, Aqua, White.
The DIRECTION attribute specifies the direction towards which the
text should flow.
The HEIGHT attribute specifies the height of the marquee, either
in pixels or with a percentsign character suffix to define a
percentage of the entire screen height.
The HSPACE and VSPACE attributes are specified in pixels
and define the amount to separate the marquee from surrounding text.
The LOOP attribute specifies how many times the text will loop.
the text will loop indefinately.
The SCROLLAMOUNT specifies the number of pixels and
the SCROLLDELAY specifies the number of milliseconds
between each successive draw of the marquee text.
The MENU element defines an unordered list consisting of a number of
separated multi-line <LI> elements which
may or may not be marked by a bullet or similar symbol.
Minimum Attributes
All Possible Attributes
Elements Allowed Within...
but not any member of group
Allowed In Content Of...
Any element that permits members of group
This list type is often rendered identically to UL.
RFC 1866 states that while similar to the UL element,
MENU is typically rendered in a more compact manner.
The COMPACT attribute of the UL element is more often used than
this MENU element.
The exclusion in RFC 1866 of group block within MENU implies
(among other things) that MENU can contain no nested lists,
nor any paragraphs even though the LI element normally would allow this.
Some browsers do not enforce this exclusion.
The LANG and DIR attributes are introduced with the
internationalization proposal.
The internationalization proposal also includes
By adding the PLAIN attribute to eliminate the bullets to the
element, Version 3 proposes to remove the MENU element.
All list elements are Level 0.
The META element is used within the HEAD element
to embed document meta-information not defined
by other HTML elements.
Such information may be extracted by servers/browsers.
The HTTP-EQUIV attribute binds the element to an HTTP response header.
If not present, the NAME attribute should be used to identify this
meta-information and it should not be used within an HTTP response header.
If the NAME attribute is not present, the name can be assumed equal to
the value of HTTP-EQUIV.
The CONTENT attribute defines
the meta-information content to be associated with the given name
and/or HTTP response header.
Minimum Attributes
All Possible Attributes
Elements Allowed Within...
The META element is defined as having no content.
Allowed In Content Of...
The META element was introduced in RFC 1866 and is a
Level 1 element.
RFC 1866 specifies that a series of META elements with the same name
is equivalent to a single element with the combined contents concatenated
as a comma-separated list.
One proposal for specific information in the META element involves
including a
The URL attribute is a Netscape extension.
Netscape 1.1 has added a automatic refresh capability using the META element
by setting the HTTP-EQUIV attribute to "REFRESH",
the CONTENT attribute to a number of seconds, and the URL attribute
to the file to load which defaults to reloading the same file.
Netscape 1.1 also recognizes placing the URL inside the quotes
which define the CONTENT value
by using a semicolon following the number of seconds, then the
URL=http://... text.
Sandia Requirements
Two META elements are required to identify specific
information for Sandia's automated Web tools.
For large documents split into multiple HTML subdocuments, these META
elements should only be included in the HTML document that is the parent
of all the subdocuments, usually the Introduction or Table of Contents document.
Надлежащие благодарности:
Много людей помогали мне при создании этого документа, включая:
Jutta Degener Henry Churchyard John Berkin Larry Katz N.J. Taber Dean Hedman Nick Galbreath | R. Alan Monroe Ann Lynnworth Mike Kelsey Russ Allbery dolphin@eccosys.com Susan Hagan John Van Essen |
The single attribute N=
provides the next available identifier
for use by automatic hypertext editors.
If the NEXTID element is manually entered, it should be
alphabetical to avoid conflict with such editors.
Minimum Attributes
<NEXTID N="..."
All Possible Attributes
<NEXTID N="..."
Elements Allowed Within...
The NEXTID element is defined as having no content.
Allowed In Content Of...
RFC 1866 recommends that NEXTID not be used.
NEXTID is a Level 0 element.
All text between the start and end of the NOBR elements
cannot have line breaks inserted between them.
Minimum Attributes
<NOBR>characters... </NOBR>
All Possible Attributes
<NOBR>characters... </NOBR>
Elements Allowed Within...
-In progress, to be determined-
Allowed In Content Of...
-In progress, to be determined-
The NOBR element is a Netscape 1.1 extension.
The NOEMBED element defines content within EMBED content that is
to be ignored by browsers that can activiate the EMBED plug-in
application. Browsers that can't/won't activate the EMBED plug-in
but that understand the EMBED/NOEMBED elements
or browsers that do not understand the EMBED/NOEMBED elements
will display the NOEMBED content.
Minimum Attributes
<NOEMBED>characters... </NOEMBED>
All Possible Attributes
<NOEMBED>characters... </NOEMBED>
Elements Allowed Within...
-In progress, to be determined-
Allowed In Content Of...
The NOEMBED element is a Netscape 2.0 enhancement to support
application specific plug-ins.
The NOFRAMES element defines content within FRAMESET content that is
to be ignored by browsers that can define Frames.
Browsers that can't/won't define Frames
but that understand the FRAMESET/NOFRAMES elements
or browsers that do not understand the FRAMESET/NOFRAMES elements
will display the NOFRAMES content.
Minimum Attributes
<NOFRAMES>characters... </NOFRAMES>
All Possible Attributes
<NOFRAMES>characters... </NOFRAMES>
Elements Allowed Within...
-In progress, to be determined-
Allowed In Content Of...
The NOFRAMES element is a part of the Netscape 2.0 enhancement to
define multiple Frames for viewing documents. It appears that Netscape 2.0
permits any element of group
in the content
of the NOFRAMES element.
The NOTE element changes the rendering of the
contents of the element to logically represent
separated notational text.
The SRC attribute specifies an image to appear preceding the note.
Minimum Attributes
<NOTE>characters... </NOTE>
All Possible Attributes
Elements Allowed Within...
-In progress, to be determined-
Allowed In Content Of...
-In progress, to be determined-
The NOTE element is a Version 3 proposed element.
It is expected to typically be rendered indented, without a preceding
bullet, symbol, or other graphic. Accompanying style guides are
expected to define renderings associated with specific CLASS values.
NOTE, CAUTION, and WARNING are expected values for the CLASS attribute.
The OL element defines an ordered list consisting of a number of
separated multi-line <LI> elements, and
ordered numerically in some way.
Minimum Attributes
All Possible Attributes
Elements Allowed Within...
Allowed In Content Of...
Any element that permits members of the group
The LANG and DIR attributes are introduced with the
internationalization proposal.
The internationalization proposal also includes
Version 3 proposes the CLEAR attribute.
The CONTINUE attribute is proposed by Version 3 to continue the
numbering from where the previous OL list left off.
The SEQNUM attribute is proposed by Version 3 to
define a starting number for the list.
START is a Netscape extension to do the same thing as SEQNUM.
The TYPE attribute is a Netscape extension.
Version 3 proposes using associated style sheets and the CLASS attribute
to handle these, and other, options to numbering style.
All list elements are Level 0.
The OPTION element identifies a choice in a SELECT element,
which in turn is part of the contents of a FORM element.
SELECTED specifies that this option is selected by default.
If SELECT allows MULTIPLE, then multiple options may be SELECTED.
If the VALUE attribute it not present and the OPTION is selected,
the OPTION contents is returned upon submission of the FORM.
If the VALUE attribute is present and the OPTION is selected,
the value of the VALUE attribute is returned instead of the contents.
Minimum Attributes
All Possible Attributes
Elements Allowed Within...
The OPTION element may only contain parsed character data.
Allowed In Content Of...
The DISABLED attribute was part of an early Version 2 proposal,
but is not defined in RFC 1866.
It is defined in Version 3, and
would display this OPTION, but prohibit user selection/deselection.
RFC 1866 sets a max limit of 1024 characters on VALUE.
Version 3 proposes the ERROR and SHAPE attributes.
The Version 3 proposed ERROR attribute defines text to be displayed
in the event that selectiing this OPTION is invalid.
The Version 3 proposed SHAPE attribute defines the shape of the
"hotspot" on the imgage defined by the SRC attribute
of the surrounding SELECT element.
The proposed values of SHAPE are:
"default", "circle x,y,r",
"rect x,y,w,h", and
"polygon x1,y1,x2,y2,...".
All elements concerning FORM are Level 2.
Основы верстки (F.A.Q.)
Подборка ответов на частые вопросы из конференции форума XPoint.ru
Q. На моей страничке шрифты подгружаются неправильно, а иногда вообще квадратиками.
A. Скорее всего, шрифты, которые Вы используете, не могут быть корректно распознаны браузером. Попробуйте изменить их на менее экзотичные.
Q. Я хочу, чтобы именно мои шрифты использовались на моей страничке
A. Попробуйте использовать CSS , подгружая его как класс
<style> @font-face {font-family:Demofont; src:url(http://myserver.com/DemoFont.eot)} h1 {font-family:demofont,Arial;} </style> <h1>Ваш текст</h1>
Q. Что такое CSS ?
A. Читайте: ,
Q. Зачем некоторые HTML редакторы при выравнивании текста по центру вставляют код:
<div align=center><center></center></div></a>
A. Незачем :) С прицелом на будущее. Уже сейчас в спецификации HTML 4.0 отсутствует таг <center> То ли ещё будет...
Q. Как при загрузке страницы развернуть окно браузера "во весь экран" (в IE-4.0 и Opera_3.50 - клавиша [F11])?
A. Java-cкриптом.
Q. Как избавиться от полосы прокрутки окна
A. <body scroll=no> полная информация по тегам HTML
Q. Разные браузеры по разному интерпретируют CSS. Как с этим бороться и где найти полный список различий?
A. Придерживаться спецификации 1.1. NC и Opera_3.50 поддерживают CSS спецификации 1.1, а IE- 1.2.
Q. Что такое SHTML ?
A. SHTML - это HTML документ, просматриваемый сервером перед отправкой на наличие (Server-Side Includes). SSI выполняются, и результат их работы подставляется в посылаемый документ.
Q. Что такое CGI?
A. Большое количество World Wide Web приложений основано на использовании внешних программ, управляемых Web сервером. Использование данных программ позволяет строить Web приложения с динамически обновляемой информацией, хнанящейся в базах данных или генерирующейся в зависимости от бизнес-правил рещаемых задач. Для связи между Web сервером и вызываемыми программами широко используется Common Gateway Interface (CGI). О CGI можно прочитать
Q. Как избавиться от противной синей рамки по периметру рисунка, который является ссылкой?
<a href="link.html"><img src="image.gif" width=15 height=15 border=0></a>
Q. Что такое RealAudio и RealVideo?
A. Для тех, кто не знает, что такое RealAudio и RealVideo: это такая программа, которая может воспроизводить музыку в online или файлы с музыкой или видео в Real формате. А делается это .
The OVERLAY element is used to overlay one or more images
on top of a FIG image.
The X and Y attributes identify the offsets from the top left
of the FIG where the top left of the overlay will be placed.
Minimum Attributes
All Possible Attributes
Elements Allowed Within...
The OVERLAY element is defined as having no content.
Allowed In Content Of...
The OVERLAY element is proposed in Version 3 as part of
the construct.
It is designed to take advantage of the caching system of most browsers
for a series of similar images which may only differ by an overlay
and the rest is already in cache.
The P element is used to denote a paragraph break,
and separates two blocks of text.
Many other elements automatically imply a text separation,
such as headings, list elements, blockquotes, etc.
Minimum Attributes
All Possible Attributes
Elements Allowed Within...
members of group
Allowed In Content Of...
Any element that permits members of group
In Version 1, the <P> element was a separator
and the </P> element was not defined.
RFC 1866 changed the concept to a container and introduced the
optional </P> element.
The LANG and DIR attributes are introduced with the
internationalization proposal.
HTML+ introduced the ALIGN attribute
and is the only proposal to mention the indent value.
The internationalization proposal includes
Netscape 2.0 implements ALIGN=center|left|right and
MS Internet Explorer 2.0 implements ALIGN=center|left|right|justify
Version 3 does not currently include indent as an option
for ALIGN.
The CLEAR attribute is proposed in Version 3 to deal with text
able to float around an image defined with the IMG element.
HTML+ introduced the ID attribute
to replace the NAME attribute
in the A element to establish internal hyperlink destinations.
With the expected use of ID for style sheets, this is likely to change.
HTML+ proposed WRAP to turn off automatic word wrap, making it possible
to leave text as it appears in the source.
Version 3 replaces the WRAP attribute and values with the NOWRAP attribute.
The P element is Level 0.
The PARAM element is a mechanism to define general purpose parameters
to be passed to APPLET applications. NAME is the name of the parameter
and VALUE will be obtained by the applet with the getParameter()
Minimum Attributes
<PARAM NAME="..." VALUE="...">
All Possible Attributes
<PARAM NAME="..." VALUE="...">
Elements Allowed Within...
The PARAM element is defined as having no content.
Allowed In Content Of...
The PARAM element is a proposed extension for JAVA(tm) applications.